What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is a non-invasive body contouring and anti-cellulite technology that kills fat cells and contracts and promotes tightness of the skin.* By transforming energy into heat, SculpSure targets and breaks down stubborn fat cells, including submental fat.*

SculpSure + submental go hand-in-hand. Using SculpSure, you can blast away stubborn submental fat for long-lasting results.* Non-invasive and non-surgical, SculpSure is one of the most innovative body contouring treatments available. At B You Body and Skin Care Solutions, we use SculpSure to treat stubborn fat beneath the chin.

What are stubborn fat cells?

Stubborn fat, also known as subcutaneous fat, is pinchable fat found on the body. Stubborn fat is usually resistant to traditional fat reduction techniques like diet and exercise. Subcutaneous fat can be caused by genetics, diet, exercise, or aging. Some of the most common areas where subcutaneous fat gathers, include: beneath the chin, the chest, arms, abdomen, flanks, thighs, knees, and buttocks.

What is submental fat?

Submental fat, or submental fullness, is the fat that gathers beneath the chin. It can be caused by diet, lack of exercise, age, or genetics. Submental fat is one of the most troublesome pockets of fat on the body. It is incredibly resistant to diet and exercise.

How does SculpSure work?

*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.

SculpSure uses energy to blast away submental and stubborn fat cells.* By converting the energy into heat, SculpSure targets the specific subcutaneous fat cells that won’t go away.* Once the heat reaches a certain point, it safely damages the fat cells, breaking down their structural integrity.* From there, the cells are naturally eliminated through the body’s lymphatic system.*

What areas can SculpSure treat?

The most popular area we treat with SculpSure is the submental fat beneath the chin. However, SculpSure can also be used on the following areas:

  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Thighs

Can submental fat return?

The results are long-lasting, but should be maintained with proper nutrition and exercise routines.*

Who is a good candidate for SculpSure?

Good candidates for SculpSure are people who have only a few extra pounds to lose, in the form of stubborn fat.* These pockets are generally resistant to diet and exercise. Ideal candidates are within a few pounds of their weight goal, and the reduction of these stubborn pockets is the final step to helping them reach their goal.*

Before and after photos

Before and after submental treatments*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.
Before and after SculpSure treatments*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.

Schedule SculpSure treatments in Maple Ridge, BC

To learn more about SculpSure treatments at B You Body and Skin Care Solutions at Mageta Family Medical Clinic, please call our office at (236) 885-5444 or fill out our online request form to schedule a consultation with one of our providers. During your consultation, we will create a custom treatment plan for you.

*Individual results may vary; not a guarantee.


We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(236) 885-5444